Founding members:

Homeworld of the Andorians and the Andorian Empire
Homeworld of the Humans and United Earth.
Tellar Prime:
Homeworld of the Tellarites.
Homeworld of the Vulcans and the Vulcan High Command.
Council members:

The following are members of the Federation who are known to be on the Federation Council.
Arcadian homeworld
Homeworld of the Arcadians.
Ariolo homeworld
Homeworld of the Ariolo.
Bzzit Khaht homeworld
Homeworld of the Bzzit Khaht.
Caitian homeworld
Homeworld of the Caitians.
Delta IV
Homeworld of the Deltans.
Grazerite homeworld
Homeworld of the Grazerites.
Kasheeta homeworld
Homeworld of the Kasheeta.
Unnamed Federation planet
Home to the unnamed alien council members.
Xelatian homeworld
Homeworld of the Xelatians.
Zaranite homeworld
Homeworld of the Zaranites.
Other known members:
Howeworld of the Haliians.
Trillius Prime
Homeworld of the Trills.
Algolian Homeworld
Homeworld of the Algolians.
Arbazan Homeworld
Homeworld of the Arbazan.
Homeworld of the Ardanans.
Homeworld of the Benzites.
Homeworld of the Betazoids.
Bolarus IX
Homeworld of the Bolians.
Homeworld of the Coridans.
Efrosian homeworld
Homeworld of the Efrosians.
Hekaras II
Homeworld of the Hekarans
Peliar Zel II
Homeworld of the Peliar Zel natives.
Rigel IV
Homeworld of the Rigellians.
Homeworld of the Risians.
Homeworld of the Ktarians.
Unnamed Federation planet
Home to the unnamed alien ambassadors.
Unnamed Federation planet
Home to the unnamed copper-skinned aliens.
Unnamed Federation planet
Home to the unnamed delegates.
Unnamed Federation planet
Home to the unnamed female delegates.
Unnamed Federation planet
Home to the unnamed purple-skinned aliens.
Unnamed Federation planet
Home to the unnamed robed delegates.
Zakdorn Homeworld
Homeworld of the Zakdorn.

Evora Homeworld
Homeworld of the Evora